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Patient - Contact

Queen Mary University of London
William Harvey Research Institute
1 St Martin Le-Grand, EC1A 4NP


Data Protection - Contact

The Barts BioResource is sponsored by Barts Health NHS Trust and located within their physical and digital infrastructure.  This means that all relevant internal Barts Health policies are followed.  Further information regarding Barts Health's data protection and GDPR policies can be found here on the Barts Health website. 

Barts Health's Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at or by calling 020 7480 4892 and asking to speak to the Data Protection Officer.  If you prefer you can write to:

Data Protection Officer
Barts Health NHS Trust
3rd Floor, 9 Prescot Street
London E1 8PR

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (if you prefer to use a national rate number)



Freedom of Information (FOI) - Contact

The Barts BioResource is sponsored by Barts Health NHS Trust and located within their physical and digital infrastructure.  This means that all relevant internal Barts Health policies are followed. 

You can submit an FOI request to the Trust by email to

When making your request, please ensure to provide a name, and contact address.

Whilst Barts Health always tries to reply to you using email if this is your preferred method of communication, it strongly advises that you include a postal address when contacting them so that this can be used in case of delivery problems with your email service.

Alternatively, you can use the following contact address:

Freedom of Information, 
Barts Health NHS Trust 
c/o Archives and Records Centre 
Lower ground floor, 9 Prescot Street
Aldgate, E1 8PR

Full information regarding Barts Health's Freedom of Information policies can be found here on the Barts Health website. 

Enquiries and applications for a copy of your own health records fall under the Data Protection Act, rather than the Freedom of Information Act.

The procedure for requesting a copy of your own health records is by means of a Subject Access Request (click "Subject Access Requests (SARs)" above).


Subject Access Requests (SARs) - Contact

Under GDPR, individuals have the right to access their personal data and supplementary information. This right allows individuals to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing. The GDPR clarifies that the reason for allowing individuals to access their personal data is so that they are aware of and can verify the lawfulness of the processing (Recital 63).

Similar to FOIs, Subject Access Requests relating to data/records held by the Barts BioResource should be directed to Barts Health NHS Trust. 

You can get a copy of your information by filling in the Subject Access Request Form and contacting:

Information Coordinators,
Health Records Department,
The Royal London Hospital,
London E1 1BB

Contact Number 0203 594 6746 / 6747

Fax 0207 377 7027

Full details can be found on the Barts Health website here.

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